8typedef unsigned int uint;
222#define LCD_INVERT_DATA
235# define LCD_EMPTY_VALUE 0xFF
236# define LCD_SET_VALUE 0
238# define LCD_EMPTY_VALUE 0
239# define LCD_SET_VALUE 0xFF
244#define LCD_LINE_SIZE 50
305void bitblt24(uint32_t x, uint32_t dx, uint32_t y, uint32_t val,
int blt_op,
int fill);
327void lcd_fill_rect(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t dx, uint32_t dy,
int val);
403#define SCR_DIR "/SCREENS"
408#define OFFIMG_DIR "/OFFIMG"
436void lcd_draw_img(
const char* img, uint32_t xo, uint32_t yo, uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
465void lcd_draw_img_part(
const char* img, uint32_t xo, uint32_t yo, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t dx);
484#define BG_COL_PAPER 0xf4f2dc
485#define BG_COL_LCD 0xdff5cc
544#define NR2T(x) (-(x)-1)
549#define T2NR(x) (-(x)-1)
793#define lcd_printAt(ds, ln, ...) do { lcd_setLine(ds, ln); lcd_print(ds, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
799#define lcd_printR(ds, ...) do { ds->inv=1; lcd_print(ds, __VA_ARGS__); ds->inv=0; } while(0)
806#define lcd_printRAt(ds, ln, ...) do { lcd_setLine(ds, ln); ds->inv=1; lcd_print(ds, __VA_ARGS__); ds->inv=0; } while(0)
811#define lcd_puts lcd_writeText
819#define lcd_putsAt(ds, ln, str) do { lcd_setLine(ds, ln); lcd_puts(ds,str); } while(0)
826#define lcd_putsR(ds, str) do { ds->inv=1; lcd_puts(ds,str); ds->inv=0; } while(0)
835#define lcd_putsRAt(ds, ln, str) do { lcd_setLine(ds, ln); ds->inv=1; lcd_puts(ds,str); ds->inv=0; } while(0)
851#define DISP_SYS_MENU 2
852#define DISP_BOOTLOADER 4
854#define DISP_USB_WRITE 6
857#define DISP_FAT_FORMAT 9
859#define DISP_QSPI_BAD_CRC 12
860#define DISP_QSPI_CHECK 13
861#define DISP_MARK_REGION 15
862#define DISP_DISK_TEST 16
865#define DISP_OFF_IMAGE_ERR 19
867#define DISP_BOOTLDR_CON_USB 22
868#define DISP_PROD_DIAG 23
869#define DISP_POWER_CHECK 24
891#define LCD_MENU_LINES 32
893#define MENU_KEY_LABEL_LEN 12
894#define MENU_KEY_COUNT 6
934#define PRINT_DT_TM_SZ 20
994void print_dmy_date(
char * s,
int const sz,
dt_t *dt,
const char * prefix,
int shortmon,
char sep_arg);
1197#define PLATFORM_VERSION "3.20"
1200#define PLATFORM_IFC_CNR 3
1201#define PLATFORM_IFC_VER 15
1204#define ASSERT_CONCAT_(a, b) a##b
1205#define ASSERT_CONCAT(a, b) ASSERT_CONCAT_(a, b)
1206#define STATIC_ASSERT(e,m) ;enum { ASSERT_CONCAT(assert_line_, __LINE__) = 1/(int)(!!(e)) }
1209#define _STRINGIFY(x) #x
1210#define STR(x) _STRINGIFY(x)
1212#define BIT(n) (1<<(n))
1348#define RTCREGS_SS_PER_SEC 256
1549#define NO_SPLASH_MAGIC 0xEACE7362
1550#define ALLOC_FAIL_MAGIC 0x363EACE7
1551#define CLEAN_RESET_MAGIC 0x3EACE736
1552#define RUN_DMCP_MAGIC 0x3CE7EA37
1565#define RESET_STATE_FILE_SIZE 0x38
1624#define AUX_BUF_SIZE (5*512)
1667#define PROG_INFO_MAGIC 0xd377C0DE
1689int read_key(
int *k1,
int *k2);
1690void suspended_bg_key_read();
1691void resume_bg_key_read();
1695uint32_t get_tim1_timer();
1699#define TIMER_BASE_FREQ (8000000)
1700void start_timer2(uint32_t div32);
1701void start_timer3(uint16_t div16);
1762#define PRINT_GRA_LN 1
1763#define PRINT_TXT_LN 0
1765#define MAX_82240_WIDTH 166
1766#define DFLT_82240_LINE_DUR 1800
1922#define MI_SYSTEM 192
1923#define MI_BOOTLOADER 193
1924#define MI_QSPI_LOADER 194
1928#define MI_BASE_SETUP 198
1929#define MI_BEEP_MUTE 199
1930#define MI_SYSTEM_ENTER 200
1931#define MI_RELOAD_RESET 201
1932#define MI_SET_TIME 202
1933#define MI_SET_DATE 203
1934#define MI_FF_ENTER 204
1935#define MI_FAT_FORMAT 205
1936#define MI_DISK_TEST 206
1937#define MI_DSKTST_ENTER 207
1938#define MI_DISK_INFO 208
1939#define MI_LOAD_QSPI 209
1940#define MI_SLOW_AUTOREP 210
1944#define MI_KBD_TEST 212
1945#define MI_LCD_TEST 213
1946#define MI_IR_TEST 214
1947#define MI_BEEP_TEST 215
1948#define MI_DMCP_MENU 216
1950#define MI_SELF_TEST 217
1952#define MI_RAMFLASH 218
1954#define MI_PGM_INFO 219
1955#define MI_PGM_RUN 220
1956#define MI_PGM_LOAD 221
1958#define MI_RUN_DMCP 222
1960#define MI_OFF_MODE 223
1986#define MENU_MAX_LEVEL 8
1988#define MENU_FONT t24
1989#define MENU_LCD_LINES 8
1994#define MRET_UNIMPL -1
2001#define MRET_LEAVELIMIT 512
2088char *
char * s,
char const *txt,
int val);
2152#define MAX_PGM_FN_LEN 24
2163typedef int (*
const char * fpath,
const char * fname,
void * data);
2178 int disp_new,
int overwrite_check,
void * data);
2209#define ISEL_FILL_ITEMS -100
2218#define ISEL_KEY_PRESSED -101
2227#define ISEL_EXIT -102
2236#define ISEL_POST_DRAW -2
2245#define ISEL_PRE_DRAW -1
2368#define MAX_LCD_LINE_LEN 40
2374#define VAL(x,val) ((x) & (val))
2375#define CLR(x,val) val &= ~(x)
2376#define SET(x,val) val |= (x)
2377#define MSK(x,val) (~(x) & (val))
2378#define SETMSK(x,m,val) val = (MSK(m,val)|(x))
2380#define SETBY(c,x,val) if (c) { SET(x,val); } else { CLR(x,val); }
2387#define ST(x) VAL(x,calc_state)
2388#define VAL_ST(x) VAL(x,calc_state)
2389#define CLR_ST(x) CLR(x,calc_state)
2390#define SET_ST(x) SET(x,calc_state)
2391#define SETMSK_ST(x,m) SETMSK(x,m,calc_state)
2392#define SETBY_ST(c,x) SETBY(c,x,calc_state)
2396#define STAT_CLEAN_RESET BIT(0)
2397#define STAT_RUNNING BIT(1)
2398#define STAT_SUSPENDED BIT(2)
2399#define STAT_KEYUP_WAIT BIT(3)
2400#define STAT_OFF BIT(4)
2401#define STAT_SOFT_OFF BIT(5)
2402#define STAT_MENU BIT(6)
2403#define STAT_BEEP_MUTE BIT(7)
2404#define STAT_SLOW_AUTOREP BIT(8)
2405#define STAT_PGM_END BIT(9)
2406#define STAT_CLK_WKUP_ENABLE BIT(10)
2408#define STAT_CLK_WKUP_FLAG BIT(12)
2409#define STAT_DMY BIT(13)
2410#define STAT_CLK24 BIT(14)
2411#define STAT_POWER_CHANGE BIT(15)
2413#define STAT_HW_BEEP BIT(28)
2414#define STAT_HW_USB BIT(29)
2415#define STAT_HW_IR BIT(30)
2435#define MAX_KEY_NR 37
2436#define MAX_FNKEY_NR 43
2488#define KEY_SCREENSHOT 44
2490#define KEY_SH_DOWN 46
2492#define KEY_DOUBLE_RELEASE 99
2494#define KEY_PAGEUP KEY_DIV
2692#define AUTO_OFF_SECONDS 600
2693#define AUTO_OFF_MENU 300
3013#define HELP_INDEX "/HELP/index.htm"
void stop_buzzer()
Stop tone.
int get_beep_volume()
Returns current tone volume.
void beep_volume_down()
Decrease tone volume.
void set_buzzer(int pin1val, int pin2val)
Set buzzer IO pins to given values.
void beep_volume_up()
Increase tone volume.
void start_buzzer_freq(uint32_t freq)
Start tone.
int sys_disk_write_enable(int val)
(En/Dis)able disk write mode
void set_fat_label(const char *label)
Sets disk label.
int sys_disk_ok()
Returns current disk status.
int sys_is_disk_write_enable()
Returns current disk write state.
void sys_disk_check_valid()
Update disk state based on low level disk state.
int check_create_dir(const char *dir)
Creates directory if doesn't exist.
int file_exists(const char *fn)
Check whether file exists.
int file_size(const char *fn)
Returns file size.
void make_date_filename(char *fn, const char *dir, const char *ext)
Creates filename using current date/time.
void run_help_file(const char *help_file)
Starts help screen.
void run_help_file_style(const char *help_file, user_style_fn_t *user_style_fn)
Starts help screen.
void user_style_fn_t(char *class_attr, disp_stat_t *ds)
Prototype for user style callback function.
Definition dmcp.h:3036
void run_help()
Starts default help screen.
void msg_box(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *txt, int inv)
Display message box.
int item_sel_engine(item_sel_state_t *st, int upd)
Main item selection engine loop.
void item_sel_header(item_sel_state_t *st, int update)
Display header for item selection dialog.
void isel_disp_line_fn_t(int lnr, list_item_t *fis, int cur_fnr, struct item_sel_state *st)
Display line callback prototype.
Definition dmcp.h:2258
void item_sel_reinit(item_sel_state_t *st)
Cleanup before items reload.
uint16_t list_item_t
Type for item list item_sel_state::fis.
Definition dmcp.h:2251
struct item_sel_state item_sel_state_t
Item selection state.
void item_sel_init(item_sel_state_t *st)
Initializes item sel structure.
void fis_name_fn_t(struct item_sel_state *st, list_item_t fis, char *nmbuf, int len)
Callback function for getting list item name.
Definition dmcp.h:2263
int(* file_sel_fn_t)(const char *fpath, const char *fname, void *data)
"File selected" callback for file_selection_screen()
Definition dmcp.h:2163
int power_check_screen()
Check power voltage and requests USB connection if power is low.
void run_set_time()
Activates "Set Time" screen.
void disp_disk_info(const char *hdr)
Activates "Disk Info" screen.
int file_selection_screen(const char *title, const char *base_dir, const char *ext, file_sel_fn_t sel_fn, int disp_new, int overwrite_check, void *data)
Displays file selection dialog.
void run_set_date()
Activates "Set Date" screen.
int sys_last_key()
Returns currently pressed key code.
int key_tail()
Check for key in key buffer.
int key_to_nr(int key)
Returns corresponding number for key code key.
void wait_for_key_press()
Wait for key press.
void key_pop_all()
Remove all keys from key buffer.
int key_pop()
Remove and return next key from key buffer.
int key_push(int k1)
Push key at the end of key buffer.
void wait_for_key_release(int tout)
Wait for key release or timeout.
int key_empty()
Check whether key buffer is empty.
int runner_key_tout_value(const int first)
Returns key repeat timeout value.
int runner_get_key(int *repeat)
Wait for key event or timeout.
int runner_get_key_delay(int *repeat, uint timeout, uint rep0, uint rep1, uint rep1tout)
Wait for key event or timeout with more autorepeat and timeout control.
int toggle_slow_autorepeat()
Toggle slow_autorepeat flag in system.
int is_slow_autorepeat()
Query slow autorepeat flag value.
void runner_key_tout_init(const int slow)
Initialize slow autorepeat flag.
void lcd_forced_refresh()
Write immediately whole LCD buffer to LCD regardless of dirty flags.
void lcd_refresh_dma()
Start non-blocking LCD refresh, LCD refresh continues in background (only dirty lines are updated)
uint8_t reverse_byte(uint8_t x)
Swaps bits in byte.
void lcd_refresh()
Start lcd refresh - could be blocking or non-blocking based on current system default (only dirty lin...
void lcd_set_buf_cleared(int val)
Sets 'LCD buffer cleared' flag.
int lcd_get_buf_cleared()
Reads 'LCD buffer cleared' flag.
void lcd_fillLines(int ln, uint8_t val, int cnt)
Fill LCD lines with value.
void lcd_fill_rect(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t dx, uint32_t dy, int val)
Fills rectangular area of LCD.
void lcd_refresh_lines(int ln, int cnt)
Write immediately lines [ln .. ln+cnt-1] to LCD.
void lcd_refresh_wait()
Issue LCD refresh and wait until done (only dirty lines are updated)
void lcd_clear_buf()
Clear LCD buffer.
void lcd_fillLine(int ln, uint8_t val)
Fill LCD line with value.
uint8_t * lcd_line_addr(int y)
Returns pointer to line data (doesn't depend on LCD_INVERT_XAXIS)
void lcd_fill_ptrn(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int ptrn1, int ptrn2)
Fills rectangular area with prescribed pattern.
void bitblt24(uint32_t x, uint32_t dx, uint32_t y, uint32_t val, int blt_op, int fill)
Blits dx bits from val at position x, y.
void draw_power_off_image(int allow_errors)
Draw subsequent image from OFFIMG_DIR directory.
int update_bmp_file_header(FIL *fp, int width, int height, uint32_t bg_color)
Write or update .bmp file header.
void lcd_draw_img_direct(const char *img, uint32_t xo, uint32_t yo, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
Put image directly on LCD.
void lcd_draw_img(const char *img, uint32_t xo, uint32_t yo, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
Put image into LCD buffer.
void reset_off_image_cycle()
Resets off image loop to first image.
void lcd_draw_img_part(const char *img, uint32_t xo, uint32_t yo, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t dx)
Put part of image into LCD buffer.
int create_screenshot(int report_error)
Create screenshot.
int lcd_for_calc(int what)
Displays predefined static screen by id.
int lcd_nextFontNr(int nr)
Get next (bigger) font number.
int lcd_fontWidth(disp_stat_t *ds)
Returns width of font.
int lcd_charWidth(disp_stat_t *ds, int c)
Returns width of character.
int lcd_toggleFontT(int nr)
Toggle font number between normal and TT font.
void lcd_print(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *fmt,...)
Print formatted string.
void lcd_setXY(disp_stat_t *ds, int x, int y)
Jump to pixel position (x,y)
int lcd_baseHeight(disp_stat_t *ds)
Returns baseline position.
void lcd_writeClr(disp_stat_t *ds)
Jump to first line.
void lcd_writeNl(disp_stat_t *ds)
Jump to next line.
void lcd_textToBox(disp_stat_t *ds, int x, int width, char *text, int from_right, int align_right)
Display text in confined area.
int lcd_textToWidth(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *text, int expected_width, int *plen)
Determines which part of text fits in expected_width.
void lcd_prevLn(disp_stat_t *ds)
Jump to previous line.
void lcd_switchFont(disp_stat_t *ds, int nr)
Set current font to given font number.
void lcd_writeTextWidth(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *text)
Updates display state as if lcd_writeText() was be called.
void lcd_setLine(disp_stat_t *ds, int ln_nr)
Jump to given line.
int lcd_lineHeight(disp_stat_t *ds)
Returns line height.
void lcd_writeText(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *text)
Display text.
int lcd_textForWidth(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *text, int expected_width, int *plen)
Calculate text width without breaking words
int lcd_textWidth(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *text)
Calculates width of text.
int lcd_textToWidthR(disp_stat_t *ds, const char *text, int expected_width, int *plen)
Determines which part of text from the end of the string fits in expected_width.
int lcd_prevFontNr(int nr)
Get previous (smaller) font number.
void LCD_power_off(int clear)
Powers off the LCD hardware.
void LCD_power_on()
Powers on the LCD hardware.
void LCD_write_line(uint8_t *buf)
Sends line data to LCD.
void LCD_clear()
Sends clear command to LCD.
int print_is_ready()
Check whether IR hw is ready for send.
void printer_set_delay(uint val)
Sets printer line delay.
void print_byte(uint8_t b)
Send byte to printer.
void print_buffer(uint8_t *buf, int cnt)
Send bytes to printer.
void printer_advance_buf(int what)
Add line type to printer buffer emulation.
int printer_busy_for(int what)
Wait until printer buffer is free for given line type.
uint printer_get_delay()
Returns current printer line delay.
uint32_t read_power_voltage()
Reads power voltage.
int usb_powered()
Returns USB powered status.
int get_lowbat_state()
Returns low-battery flag.
int get_vbat()
Returns battery voltage.
int qspi_user_size()
Returns size (in bytes) of the user QSPI data area.
uint8_t * qspi_user_addr()
Returns pointer to the user QSPI data area.
int qspi_user_write(uint8_t *data, int size, int offset, int erase)
Writes data to the user QSPI data area.
uint8_t rtc_read_sec()
Reads current second.
void rtc_write(tm_t *tm, dt_t *dt)
Set date and time.
uint8_t rtc_read_century()
Read current century.
void rtc_check_unset()
Check whether RTC was updated from cold start state. Displays set time and set date dialogs if it was...
void rtc_wakeup_delay()
Workaround for CPU bug.
uint8_t rtc_read_min()
Reads current minute.
uint32_t get_rtc_ticks()
Get time ticks (linear time)
void rtc_cancel_alarm()
Cancels any pending RTC alarm.
void rtc_write_century(uint8_t cent)
Write century.
void rtc_set_alarm(tm_t *tm, dt_t *dt)
Plants RTC alarm at given time.
rtc_ticks_stat_t * rtc_update_ticks()
Returns pointer to currently updated RTC ticks structure.
void rtc_update_time_sec(int delta_sec)
Shift time by given amount of seconds.
void rtc_read(tm_t *tm, dt_t *dt)
Read current data and time.
void set_flag_fn_t(int val)
Set flag function prototype.
Definition dmcp.h:1042
set_flag_fn_t * set_flag_clk24
Setter callback for CLK24 flag.
Definition dmcp.h:1074
set_flag_fn_t * set_beep_mute
Setter callback for Beep Mute flag.
Definition dmcp.h:1087
get_flag_fn_t * get_flag_dmy
Getter callback for DMY flag.
Definition dmcp.h:1053
get_flag_fn_t * is_flag_clk24
Getter callback for CLK24 flag.
Definition dmcp.h:1068
int get_flag_fn_t()
Get flag function prototype.
Definition dmcp.h:1041
get_flag_fn_t * is_beep_mute
Getter callback for Beep Mute flag.
Definition dmcp.h:1081
set_flag_fn_t * set_flag_dmy
Setter callback for DMY flag.
Definition dmcp.h:1061
disp_stat_t * t24
Font state for normal system font.
Definition dmcp.h:1174
disp_stat_t * fReg
Font state for user font.
Definition dmcp.h:1181
disp_stat_t * t20
Font state for small system font.
Definition dmcp.h:1167
int is_menu_auto_off()
Check menu auto-off state.
int is_auto_off()
Check auto-off state.
int sys_auto_off_cnt()
Returns remaining auto-off seconds.
void reset_auto_off()
Resets auto-off timer.
char * aux_buf_ptr()
Get pointer to aux memory buffer.
int sys_write_buf_used()
Get 'write-buffer-used' flag.
void sys_clear_write_buf_used()
Clear 'write-buffer-used' flag.
int write_buf_size()
Get write buffer size.
void * write_buf_ptr()
Get pointer to write buffer.
void sys_flashing_finish()
Disable flashing.
int sys_flash_write_block(void *dst_addr, uint8_t *src_buf, uint32_t size)
Write data to flash.
void sys_flashing_init()
Enable flashing.
int sys_flash_erase_block(void *start_addr, uint32_t size)
Flash block erase.
void sys_critical_end()
Leave critical section.
int sys_free_mem()
Query free memory for malloc.
void sys_sleep()
Suspend program until next event.
uint8_t get_hw_id()
Query hardware id.
void sys_critical_start()
Enter critical section.
uint32_t mark_region(uint32_t id)
Mark executed code.
void no_region()
Clear current region.
char * get_reset_state_file()
Get pointer to reset state file.
int is_reset_state_file()
Check for reset state file.
void set_reset_magic(uint32_t value)
Set reset constant.
void set_reset_state_file(const char *str)
Set reset state file to given string.
void sys_reset()
Invoke CPU reset.
int sys_timer_active(int timer_ix)
Check timer running status.
void sys_timer_disable(int timer_ix)
Disables system timer.
int sys_timer_timeout(int timer_ix)
Check for timer timeout.
void sys_timer_start(int timer_ix, uint32_t ms_value)
Starts system timer (non-periodic pooling timer)
uint32_t sys_current_ms()
Get current millisecond.
void sys_delay(uint32_t ms_delay)
Delays program by specified number of milliseconds.
uint32_t sys_tick_count()
Get current tick count.
const char * key_to_alpha_table
Key to alpha translation table.
Definition dmcp.h:1125
uint32_t calc_state
Main calculator state flags.
Definition dmcp.h:1108
void void_fn_t()
General prototype for void function.
Definition dmcp.h:1103
FIL * ppgm_fp
Pointer to file handle provided by system.
Definition dmcp.h:1115
void_fn_t * after_fat_format
This callback function is called by system after FAT disk format (if set)
Definition dmcp.h:1096
void print_clk24_time(char *t, int const sz, tm_t *tm, int disp_sec, int disp_dow)
Formats time according to supplied and system flags.
const char * get_month_shortcut(int month)
Three character shortcut of month name.
const char * get_wday_shortcut(int day)
Three character shortcut of day name.
void print_dmy_date(char *s, int const sz, dt_t *dt, const char *prefix, int shortmon, char sep_arg)
Formats date according to supplied and system flags.
int julian_day(dt_t *d)
Calculates Julian day for given date.
void julian_to_date(int julian_day, dt_t *d)
Calculates date for given Julian day.
FatFs file structure used in file operations.
Definition ff_ifc.h:66
Font display state.
Definition dmcp.h:557
int8_t xspc
Space between chars.
Definition dmcp.h:565
int8_t xoffs
X offset for first char on line.
Definition dmcp.h:566
line_font_t const * f
Current font.
Definition dmcp.h:558
int16_t y_top_grd
Don't overwrite anything above this LCD y-line.
Definition dmcp.h:562
const uint8_t * post_offs
Array with character x offsets (optional)
Definition dmcp.h:582
uint8_t lnfill
Fill whole line before writing line.
Definition dmcp.h:571
int8_t ya
Lines to fill above the font.
Definition dmcp.h:563
int8_t yb
Lines to fill below the font.
Definition dmcp.h:564
uint8_t fixed
Draw in fixed width.
Definition dmcp.h:568
uint8_t bgfill
Fill background while drawing.
Definition dmcp.h:570
int16_t x
Current x position.
Definition dmcp.h:559
uint8_t inv
Draw inverted.
Definition dmcp.h:569
int16_t ln_offs
Line offset (when displaying by line numbers)
Definition dmcp.h:561
uint8_t newln
Jump to new line after writing line.
Definition dmcp.h:572
int16_t y
Current y position.
Definition dmcp.h:560
Date info structure.
Definition dmcp.h:940
uint8_t month
Month 1-12.
Definition dmcp.h:942
uint16_t year
Definition dmcp.h:941
uint8_t day
Day 1-31.
Definition dmcp.h:943
Item selection state.
Definition dmcp.h:2269
char * lnbuf
Line buffer (optional - only app wants to use it for line drawing)
Definition dmcp.h:2285
fis_name_fn_t * fis_name_fn
Name callback.
Definition dmcp.h:2277
list_item_t * fis
List items.
Definition dmcp.h:2276
int8_t top_nr
Item number currently first on LCD.
Definition dmcp.h:2271
isel_disp_line_fn_t * disp_line_fn
Line draw function.
Definition dmcp.h:2284
void * data
Custom data (useful for line draw callback)
Definition dmcp.h:2288
int lnsize
Size of lnbuf.
Definition dmcp.h:2286
int8_t lncnt
Number of LCD lines available.
Definition dmcp.h:2272
const char * title
Screen title.
Definition dmcp.h:2282
int max_items
Maximal number of items.
Definition dmcp.h:2278
int8_t roll_lines
How many lines should remain visible while scrolling up/down.
Definition dmcp.h:2273
char * title2
(Optional) Right part of the title (aligned right)
Definition dmcp.h:2283
void * items
Custom data for items.
Definition dmcp.h:2289
int8_t key
key code, set by engine for ISEL_KEY_PRESSED
Definition dmcp.h:2274
int8_t fnr
Currently selected list item.
Definition dmcp.h:2270
int fcnt
Current item count.
Definition dmcp.h:2279
Font structure.
Definition dmcp.h:527
uint8_t width
Font width in pixels
Definition dmcp.h:529
uint8_t char_cnt
Number of characters
Definition dmcp.h:533
uint8_t first_char
Code of first character
Definition dmcp.h:532
uint16_t const * offs
Character offsets in data.
Definition dmcp.h:537
const char * name
Font name
Definition dmcp.h:528
uint8_t const * data
Font data.
Definition dmcp.h:536
uint8_t scale_x
Scaling factor in x direction
Definition dmcp.h:534
uint8_t baseline
Baseline in pixels
Definition dmcp.h:531
uint8_t scale_y
Scaling factor in y direction
Definition dmcp.h:535
uint8_t height
Font height in pixels
Definition dmcp.h:530
RTC ticks state.
Definition dmcp.h:1375
uint32_t sec
seconds in day
Definition dmcp.h:1379
rtc_time_regs_t regs
Time stamp.
Definition dmcp.h:1376
uint32_t jday
julian day
Definition dmcp.h:1378
uint32_t msec
seconds in day corresponding to current minute (for easy sub-minute updates)
Definition dmcp.h:1380
uint64_t dsec
julian day * seconds_per_day
Definition dmcp.h:1377
RTC time stamp parts.
Definition dmcp.h:1365
uint16_t ss
Subsecond part.
Definition dmcp.h:1368
uint32_t tm
Date part.
Definition dmcp.h:1367
uint32_t dt
Time part.
Definition dmcp.h:1366
Time info structure.
Definition dmcp.h:949
uint8_t csec
Centiseconds (1/100s)
Definition dmcp.h:953
uint8_t dow
Day of week.
Definition dmcp.h:959
uint8_t min
Definition dmcp.h:951
uint8_t sec
Definition dmcp.h:952
uint8_t hour
Definition dmcp.h:950