DMCP interface  03.15_020
line_font_t Struct Reference

Font structure. More...

Data Fields

const char * name
 Font name.
uint8_t width
 Font width in pixels.
uint8_t height
 Font height in pixels.
uint8_t baseline
 Baseline in pixels.
uint8_t first_char
 Code of first character.
uint8_t char_cnt
 Number of characters.
uint8_t scale_x
 Scaling factor in x direction.
uint8_t scale_y
 Scaling factor in y direction.
uint8_t const * data
 Font data.
uint16_t const * offs
 Character offsets in data.

Detailed Description

Font structure.

Note that scale_x is limited by implementation so the final glyph width should be less then 24px.